Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage containerized applications. It provides a powerful platform to automate application deployment, scaling, and management. However, managing the application packages can be a challenge. Helm simplifies the installation, upgrading, and management of applications in Kubernetes as it is a package manager specifically designed for this purpose. This blog will explore how Kubernetes and Helm can be used together to manage application packages effectively.

Understanding Kubernetes

Kubernetes is built on the concept of objects, which serve as the platform’s fundamental building blocks. They represent the state of the cluster and its components. Kubernetes objects include pods, services, deployments, replica sets, and more. Kubernetes deployments are used to manage the deployment of containers in Kubernetes. A deployment is a Kubernetes object that manages a set of identical pods. The function of this is to maintain a specific number of copies of a pod consistently operational, and it aids in the processes of scaling and incremental updates.

Introduction to Helm

Helm is a tool designed to manage packages for Kubernetes, which facilitates the process of installing, upgrading, and administering applications. Helm is made up of two components: the Helm client and the Helm server. The Helm client interacts with the Helm server and manages the Helm charts. The Helm server is a Kubernetes application that stores and manages the Helm charts.

Helm provides several benefits, including:

Simplified application installation: Helm simplifies the process of installing applications in Kubernetes. It provides a single command to install an application along with all its dependencies.

Easy application upgrades: Helm makes it easy to upgrade applications in Kubernetes. It allows you to upgrade an application with a single command.

Version management: Helm provides version management for applications in Kubernetes. It allows you to track the version of an application and roll back to a previous version if necessary.

Using Helm to Manage Application Packages

To use Helm to manage application packages, we need to understand the basics of Helm charts. A Helm chart is a group of files that outline a group of resources within Kubernetes. A Helm chart can include multiple Kubernetes objects, such as deployments, services, and config maps.

To create a Helm chart, we need to define the Kubernetes resources we want to deploy in a YAML file. We can then use the Helm command-line interface (CLI) for packaging the YAML file into a Helm chart. Once we have created a Helm chart, we can install it in Kubernetes using the Helm CLI.

To package an application with Helm, we need to create a Helm chart for the application. The Helm chart should include all the Kubernetes resources required to deploy the application. We can then package the Helm chart using the Helm CLI. Once the Helm chart is packaged, we can install it in Kubernetes using the Helm CLI.

To install an application with Helm, we need to use the Helm CLI. The Helm CLI provides several commands to install, upgrade, and manage applications in Kubernetes. To install an application, we need to specify the name of the Helm chart and the values file. The values file contains the values to be used when installing the Helm chart.

Best Practices for Using Kubernetes and Helm Together

When using Kubernetes and Helm together, it is important to follow best practices to ensure a smooth deployment process. Here are some best practices for using Kubernetes and Helm together:

Keep track of Helm releases: It is important to keep track of Helm releases. Helm provides version management for applications in Kubernetes, so it is important to keep track of the version of the application and the Helm chart.

Work with multiple environments: When deploying applications in Kubernetes, it is common to have multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production. It is important to have separate Helm charts for each environment to avoid conflicts.

Customize Helm charts: Helm charts can be customized to meet specific deployment requirements. It is important to use the values file to customize the Helm chart for each environment.

Use Helm repositories: Helm repositories are a way to share and distribute Helm charts. They allow us to easily install and upgrade applications from a centralized location. It is important to use Helm repositories to ensure consistency across environments.


In conclusion, Kubernetes and Helm provide a powerful platform for managing application packages in Kubernetes. Helm simplifies the installation, upgrading, and management of applications in Kubernetes. By using Helm charts and following best practices, we can ensure a smooth deployment process and avoid conflicts between environments. Kubernetes and Helm are constantly evolving, so it is important to keep up to date with the latest developments and best practices. By following these best practices, we can ensure a scalable and reliable platform for running containerized applications.